Do your security measures actually make your occupants feel safer?
Understanding occupants perceptions security and whether the measures being used actually make them feel safe and secure, and how their perceptions might affect their behaviour.
UK-based building research group BRE recently conducted a survey wanting to look beyond officially published crime statistics and understand users’ perceptions of crime and security, and whether security measures currently being used actually make people feel more secure, and how their perceptions affect their behavior.
The survey was initiated to help understand how people’s perceptions influence their everyday decision-making in relation to their home life, work life and travel arrangements. The results revealed that personal security is becoming an increasing worry across the UK, with two out of three respondents more concerned about crime today than they were five years ago. The top three issues raised as causing the most concern were cybercrime, terrorism and property crime.
As terror arrests continue to increase, coupled with a string of large-scale attacks across the UK and Europe in recent years, terrorism has been a regular feature on the news and in social media which may have led to increased concern around the issue, with two-thirds of respondents stating that recent acts of terrorism have led them to become more security-conscious when out and about. One in two respondents confirmed that this had influenced their travel decisions.
Workplace security measures
It was interesting to read in the published results that in terms of security in the workplace,
- over 80% of respondents felt either secure or very secure at their place of work.
- 83% stated that they hold their employers responsible for their safety while at work
- almost 75% recognising their own role in workplace security.
When asked what types of security measures would make them feel more secure at work the results came back at
- 1st, a desire to see proactive management and regular security updates to staff
- 2nd, security-rated doors and windows
- 3rd, CCTV survellance
In our opinion, this shows measures taken to create, improve and maintain a security and safety culture in the workplace may have just as significant an impact in creating an environment where staff feel safe and secure, as your investment in crime prevention and security measures.
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Acknowledgements & Credits
- Article written by Dan Carey and inspired by an original piece of work by Brianna Crandall
- Image created by Crazy Husky based on an original photographs by Nenad Maric and Andreas Breitling